DBV Technologies is a French firm based in the Paris region which specializes in medical research into allergy treatments. At the moment it is particularly focused on a new approach that’s designed to be safer and easier to apply than many existing approaches to diagnosing or treating allergies.
Read MoreThere are many medical procedures which although not in theory urgent, can cause a lot of pain if patients are obliged to wait too long for them to be carried out. Knee replacement surgery is definitely one such treatment.
Read MoreNot everyone will have heard of epicutaneous immunotherapy, although if you or a loved one suffer from an allergy, the term may be more familiar to you.
Read MoreThere are few websites better designed to help you to take life easy than http://www.taillardat.fr. This French firm’s site showcases desks, beds, tables and stools galore, but it is its particularly large selection of sofas, chairs and armchairs that attract many.
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