DBV Technologies is a French firm based in the Paris region which specializes in medical research into allergy treatments. At the moment it is particularly focused on a new approach that’s designed to be safer and easier to apply than many existing approaches to diagnosing or treating allergies.
It’s a seemingly simple vehicle – a patch – which is used to deliver the solution, but its manufacture relies on extremely hi-tech equipment. A key part of the manufacturing process is the electrospray. You can find out more about this on the dedicated page on DBV Technologies’ website at http://www.dbv-technologies.com/en/viaskin-technology/electrospray. The electrospray sprays a stream of electrically-charged droplets (the antigens) onto the back of the patch, which is coated with titanium. This makes for a more even distribution of the antigens, and also helps ensure they retain all their chemical properties. When the patch is placed on the skin, heat from the body creates what’s called a condensation chamber where sweat and the antigens (in powder form) mix. This paves the way for the antigens to actually penetrate into the skin and start the desensitization process.